All games from WS/MN/1 with status Finished


Perry, DanLynge, Michael Birch Black wins 9/2/2005 Go to game
Mori, AndreaPerry, Dan White wins 4/10/2005 Go to game
Perry, DanStepanov, Konstantin Vasilievich White wins 9/2/2005 Go to game
Shchebenyuk, Mrs. Nina GrigoryevnaPerry, Dan Black wins 1/24/2006 Go to game
Perry, DanParkes, Ricardo White wins 7/15/2005 Go to game
Gonzalez, Bolívar RibeiroPerry, Dan Black wins 11/22/2005 Go to game
Perry, DanAbegg, Beat White wins 6/24/2005 Go to game
Hýbl, VladislavPerry, Dan Draw 1/21/2006 Go to game
Perry, DanCastellano, Alfonso White wins 3/30/2006 Go to game
Leben, DušanPerry, Dan Draw 1/4/2006 Go to game
Perry, DanTong Soen, Kwik Black defaulted 6/30/2006 Go to game
Farias, Sergio R. AlvesPerry, Dan White defaulted 7/12/2005 Go to game
Lynge, Michael BirchMori, Andrea Draw 5/24/2007 Go to game
Stepanov, Konstantin VasilievichLynge, Michael Birch Draw 5/10/2005 Go to game
Lynge, Michael BirchShchebenyuk, Mrs. Nina Grigoryevna White wins 3/22/2006 Go to game
Parkes, RicardoLynge, Michael Birch Black wins 4/21/2005 Go to game
Lynge, Michael BirchGonzalez, Bolívar Ribeiro Draw 11/13/2005 Go to game
Abegg, BeatLynge, Michael Birch Draw 4/12/2005 Go to game
Lynge, Michael BirchHýbl, Vladislav Draw 3/2/2006 Go to game
Castellano, AlfonsoLynge, Michael Birch Draw 9/1/2005 Go to game
Lynge, Michael BirchLeben, Dušan White wins 6/25/2006 Go to game
Tong Soen, KwikLynge, Michael Birch White defaulted 6/30/2006 Go to game
Lynge, Michael BirchFarias, Sergio R. Alves White wins 4/23/2006 Go to game
Mori, AndreaStepanov, Konstantin Vasilievich White wins 11/29/2005 Go to game
Shchebenyuk, Mrs. Nina GrigoryevnaMori, Andrea Draw 2/22/2006 Go to game
Mori, AndreaParkes, Ricardo White wins 10/24/2005 Go to game
Gonzalez, Bolívar RibeiroMori, Andrea Black wins 1/9/2006 Go to game
Mori, AndreaAbegg, Beat White wins 5/22/2005 Go to game
Hýbl, VladislavMori, Andrea Black wins 4/2/2006 Go to game
Mori, AndreaCastellano, Alfonso White wins 6/23/2005 Go to game
Leben, DušanMori, Andrea Draw 1/29/2006 Go to game
Mori, AndreaTong Soen, Kwik White wins 6/18/2005 Go to game
Farias, Sergio R. AlvesMori, Andrea Draw 7/29/2005 Go to game
Stepanov, Konstantin VasilievichShchebenyuk, Mrs. Nina Grigoryevna White wins 12/31/2005 Go to game
Parkes, RicardoStepanov, Konstantin Vasilievich Black wins 1/9/2006 Go to game
Stepanov, Konstantin VasilievichGonzalez, Bolívar Ribeiro Draw 10/12/2005 Go to game
Abegg, BeatStepanov, Konstantin Vasilievich Draw 7/2/2005 Go to game
Stepanov, Konstantin VasilievichHýbl, Vladislav White wins 12/4/2005 Go to game
Castellano, AlfonsoStepanov, Konstantin Vasilievich Draw 2/16/2006 Go to game
Stepanov, Konstantin VasilievichLeben, Dušan Draw 6/25/2006 Go to game
Tong Soen, KwikStepanov, Konstantin Vasilievich White defaulted 6/30/2006 Go to game
Stepanov, Konstantin VasilievichFarias, Sergio R. Alves Draw 7/5/2005 Go to game
Shchebenyuk, Mrs. Nina GrigoryevnaParkes, Ricardo White wins 3/16/2006 Go to game
Gonzalez, Bolívar RibeiroShchebenyuk, Mrs. Nina Grigoryevna White wins 6/24/2006 Go to game
Shchebenyuk, Mrs. Nina GrigoryevnaAbegg, Beat Draw 4/24/2006 Go to game
Hýbl, VladislavShchebenyuk, Mrs. Nina Grigoryevna White wins 1/1/2006 Go to game
Shchebenyuk, Mrs. Nina GrigoryevnaCastellano, Alfonso Draw 11/2/2005 Go to game
Leben, DušanShchebenyuk, Mrs. Nina Grigoryevna Draw 11/2/2005 Go to game
Shchebenyuk, Mrs. Nina GrigoryevnaTong Soen, Kwik Black defaulted 6/30/2006 Go to game
Farias, Sergio R. AlvesShchebenyuk, Mrs. Nina Grigoryevna White wins 1/21/2006 Go to game


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