Player Details

713031 CPV Fernandes, Luís (2075)

Cape Verde is not a member of ICCF; therefore Luís Fernandes is a designated isolated player.
Isolated players are allowed to enter all eligible ICCF tournaments via Direct Entry and to receive all earned titles and awards.



RatinglistValid fromRatingRDGames 

2011/11/1/2011 2031 23Details
2011/24/1/2011 2017 25Details
2011/37/1/2011 1990 35Details
2011/410/1/2011 1992 43Details
2012/11/1/2012 2013 51Details
2012/24/1/2012 2037 58Details
2012/37/1/2012 2032 64Details
2012/410/1/2012 2061 71Details
2013/11/1/2013 2067 76Details
2013/24/1/2013 2081 83Details
2013/37/1/2013 2089 91Details
2013/410/1/2013 2118 97Details
2014/11/1/2014 2113 98Details
2014/24/1/2014 2088 103Details
2014/37/1/2014 2075 104Details

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